Saturday, January 31, 2009


Met up with Elmo and TC for dinner yesterday evening at Sakae Sushi @ Westmall. We didn't eat much... mainly ordered small sushi items... partly didn't eat a lot cos Elmo and I wanted to eat off the conveyor belt but we were all seated in the inner area where items served on the conveyor belt would have been removed by many other patrons seated before they could reach us. Chewed on lots of edamame though... haha, guess no one else really liked them that much so they could all reach us! =.= Anyway, the focus of the evening definitely wasn't food... we were much more interested in just talking. :)

How time flies. It did so last night as the three of us chatted on, and it did for the past many many years. As we updated one another with regards to what's going on in our lives and our near-future plans etc, I couldn't help but sigh about time passing by in a flash. The three of us have known one another for more than half our lives -- almost 16 years, in fact! -- and gone through so much together throughout our years in secondary school, and then in jc.

TC also showed us recent pics of some of our other secondary school classmates/ schoolmates on his phone as he accessed their facebook profiles. Viewing the pics resulted in lots of memories flooding back and I started to miss the faces of these people I was looking at. Some of them I used to be on quite close terms with, while others were just acquaintances, but whatever it is, there was the unmistakable feeling of a bonding, simply due to the fact that we were all products of the same school. :)

Although some of them clearly put on or lost weight, many still look the same, so during that short period of time, I felt as if I was transported back to the days when we were still schooling together. Among these people whose pics we were poring over, some we still contact on an occasional basis, while others belong to a different clique. But I wonder... if one day, we were to all gather once again, would our previous chemistry/ sense of bonding surface once again? Would we still have lots to talk about, given our vastly different experiences in the paths we have chosen to take since we separated?

Even if I never knew the answer to the above questions, there's one thing I can be sure of -- all these guys and gals will not be forgotten entirely as long as my memory still functions fine. To them all, thank you for having been once a part of my life. :) And to those whom I still keep in touch with, thank you for still being there in my life. :)

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