Got everything ready for work last night...did up my lesson materials, packed food for breakfast and lunch from home, bought munchies to reward my form class for their hard work during the mid-year exam period...only to end up not going to work today. Talk about irony. There were times when I simply dreaded facing the day at work, and wished I could stay home, but cos I wasn't ill or anything, I just had to force myself to get up and go through the day. But today was the exact opposite. Sigh. One can plan and plan but in the end, it just takes one miserable thing to upset all your plans. And for me, that thing is what's been my enemy for several years now -- the much-dreaded headache.
It's the one thing that whacks me off my feet without warning, and sometimes for no rhyme or reason even. But most of the time, I get it when I'm out in the sun for too long, when I feel dehydrated, when I'm under a lot of stress, or when I've little or poor sleep. Well, at least I know why I got it this morning when I tried to wake up for the first time at 5am+. The main reason's cos I've not been sleeping well these days, and last night was the worst with me awaking several times in the night. Sigh. So what to do? Felt so lethargic and the headache was attacking my very core of my head so I decided to call in sick and stay home to get a few more hours of sleep instead of dragging myself to work.
And a few more hours of sleep I did get. Slept till 10+ and woke up with head still throbbing, but less. Went about trying to settle some work, got frustrated because of some screw-ups I had to endure, then went to visit the doc in the afternoon. Told him about how I've not been sleeping well and got a couple of sleeping tablets in response, plus some anti-headache capsules (that might cause gastric), and gastric tablets to chew (so I wouldn't have gastric). =.= Actually Hubby also didn't have it easy last night. He had difficulty getting to sleep cos of some coughing fits, and when he finally did, he couldn't sleep peacefully. Am really hoping that he'd be able to have a less 'eventful' sleep tonight so he can catch up on his rest as well.
Anyway, when I came back from the doc's, what I experienced was only more irritation when I encountered some ridiculous problems with a new public email account that I just set up for additional work purposes. Long story. Ended up complaining to Hubby on the phone about how technology is supposed to bring convenience to people but can sometimes cause more trouble instead. How nice it'd be to just escape to a countryside where I can stay on a farm or ranch without having to worry about emails and phone calls or text messages etc. and just spend my day being around my loved ones and taking care of farm animals.
*blink blink* Oh but it's all just a dream... Never mind. At least my head doesn't hurt that much now.
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