Saturday, November 7, 2009

Return of the pigeons!

Did up a post on pigeons stalking me at home on my blog last's been a while since, but yes, the pigeons are back (dunno if they're the same pigeons though :p).

Hubby and I found the pigeons resting at the wide ledge just outside the window of the study room. They didn't appear scared or budge even as Hubby danced before them in a silly manner and we both inched closer and closer to them till we were right in front of them, separated by just the window. First, they were on the left of the ledge...

Then, they strutted calmly over to the right after some time...

And at one point, the smaller one pooped...

And the bigger one also followed suit! *grrrr*

Now they've flown off... leaving only their poop as gifts for us to remember them by... Ugh.

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