Sunday, July 12, 2009

Leisurely Saturday at home

It's great to get up early on a Saturday morning, cos you feel the day is longer and you can get so much more done. :)

Didn't go out yesterday unlike most other Saturdays cos Hubby had his IPPT scheduled in the late afternoon, so I got down to settling some work in the morning after reading the papers and all. Though there was quite a bit of work to clear, I also managed to have some fun at home.

Eagerly demonstrated to Hubby how I'd recently learnt how to fold a heart (I'm usually horrible at origami stuff) cos had to conduct a lesson that makes use of this skill. Then I challenged Hubby to do the same cos he claimed that he could do the same without even officially learning how to. He disappeared for a while with a sheet of paper and then pranced back towards me, exclaiming, "See! I told you I also can..."

Let's have a look now...




Nevertheless, I still had a good laugh upon seeing the *ahem* unique heart (which actually resembles an ice-cream cone more)... hehe.

And check out what I cooked for lunch... orange rice? Nah, it's rice with mashed carrots! The idea occurred to me while I was racking my brains, wondering what to do with a big carrot I had just removed from the fridge. Well, for a non-carrot lover like me, this is one sure way to get me to eat this orange thing. I dumped the chopped carrot pieces into the rice cooker to cook with the grains, then mashed everything together once it's all cooked to form the lovely coloured rice. Haha. Looks appetising, I think!

Also tried out another thing...soaked and tore shreds of yakinori, roasted seaweed used in making sushi, and stir fried them with teriyaki chicken, diced potatoes and red capsicum. On top of providing extra nutrients, the yakinori also adds flavour to the dish. Yum! Hubby also said not bad. :D

In the evening, Hubby returned with his IPPT results -- got his usual Silver... yaay! Then we had a pizza meal delivered to us for dinner, and enjoyed that while watching one of Michael Jackson's famous concerts on DVD.

And that's for a nice Saturday -- work and fun balanced pretty well. :)

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