In the early afternoon, had a colourful meal prepared by MIL...

Later on, met Beebee for some shopping (which was done mostly by her -- Hubby and I were quite disciplined that day :p) and had a nice dinner, albeit disappointing dessert. Felt so cheated comparing our miserable portion of ice-cream with the mountainous heap enjoyed by the next table.

Then finally, after the nice meals came the harsh lesson. Because I was pretty keen to annihilate all those pesky cysts, I went about looking for any suitable range of facial products that might help to improve this (although I was told that the only way would be to either take medication or reduce stress). Eventually came across this set of products that bought me over with a booklet that came with it, highlighting various details to do with acne problems and stuff. It was published in such an impressively informative way that it boosted my confidence in it and made me buy it at a discounted price of $80. What's more, the products came with a sticker, claiming that it was the best selling series at Watsons for several consecutive years. Though I didn't like paying so much for a brand I hadn't even heard of before, I was just so desperate and convinced that I just had to try this out.

And omg, I did. Went home that night and carried out all the instructions to use the products -- facial cleanser, toner, night cream. On Sunday morning, I woke up feeling good about my face, then lo and behold, realised a while later that my face was starting to itch with a tingling sensation and I looked like 包公, except that my face was red instead of black. Maybe my skin's sensitive to the medication found in these items. But when I did my research online to find out more, I read testimonials from MANY people who totally bombed the exact products I bought, and some even commented on how the products made their skin condition worsen over time. AAHHHHH!!! So what now? Those horrible products are lying in a heap in the bathroom cabinet after just a one-time use. There goes my 80 bucks. There goes my hope. T_T
Lessons learnt:
1. Never buy into others' words so readily, especially words coming from people who are out to promote something2. Always do research before making any drastic move, especially in the face of possible impulse buying
3. Products don't have to be expensive to work
4. Heed what the doc says
Now, I'm back to being a customer of The Face Shop once again. Thank goodness the redness has vanished, and the cysts are gone. There's still some slight marks left, but they appear lighter with each passing day, so my face is quite okay now. Phew!
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