Hung on the wall in our study room these days is a poster replica of the famous Mona Lisa portrait, as seen below (of course the watch didn't belong in the original portrait -- it was cut out from somewhere and just superimposed onto her wrist by my watch fanatic of a Hubby so that she'd have a nice accessory to wear :p):
A few days ago, while I was busy clearing work at home and Hubby was busy thinking of how to occupy his time, he came up with an idea. Taking his sketchbook, he sat down on his chair, swivelled round to face Mona Lisa, and proceeded to sketch her on his own, without the help of an eraser as usual, in his little sketch book (it's his fourth drawing in there now). I thought it looked pretty cool, considering the fact that he'd never been trained in art and didn't have to use an eraser at all. Here's what it looked like:
Hubby's only grouse was that it looked as if his version of Mona Lisa had a bit of a toothache, since her jaw looked kinda swollen. Anyway, last night, I took up the challenge to draw my own Mona Lisa. Hubby did his sketch within 2 hours; I did mine in 10 minutes, half of which was spent on laughing at my own drawing, which ultimately looked like this:
I laughed so hard that my sides ached and tears flowed profusely from my eyes. And to think I was the one who had attended art classes at a community centre when I was a little kid! Ugh! Wonder where and what on earth my Mona Lisa was looking at! Check out her eyeballs and you'll see what I mean. Omg. Hahaha...Hubby didn't want me to throw it away though. He said it looked like some cartoon version of Mona Lisa! Hahahaha...
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