Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm seeing RED.

YOU just made me so darn mad today.

You and your stupid words
You and your implied accusations
You forming your dumb conclusions without finding out the facts first
And then even making me look so bad in front of others!

You might not know it's me you offended
But it doesn't matter to you anyway
cos you think you have the right to act in any way you like
to anyone you want

You're BIG; you're GOD.
That's why.

Everyone's gotta kowtow to you
to get into your good books
And don't you just love twirling them round your fingers
And have them hankering after more perks you might offer them?
Or scream at them whenever you want
Just cos no one else will dare to holler back at you?

But sorry. I don't go for these.
I don't wanna play your games.
I don't wanna demean myself just so I can be somewhere
or someone.
And so I certainly don't see myself
forgiving you for these nasty remarks you made about me without even bothering to find out the truth from me first.
Even criminals are given a fair trial before being sentenced!

And YOU.

You upset me too.
You and your 'I'm a nice person' image
Trying to do your best to improve things
But always ending up a failure at that

All because you are timid
All because you don't speak up when you are the only one with enough authority to do so
You allow darkness to reign
and extinguish what little flame of hope we had left for brighter days.


You others who know the truth
You others who know that someone has been maligned
But all hiding in your little holes
Not daring to say anything
for fear of being attacked by the monstrous being.
You give me advice on what to do
how to resolve the problem situation
But keep quiet otherwise when your words could vouch for my innocence.

I'm angry.
And I'm absolutely disgusted.

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