Wednesday, September 16, 2009

No more tweets

Ok, call me fickle-minded or whatever. Anyway, I'm no longer a Twitter user.

Yeah, it's just a few days since I signed up for Twitter and I've only posted two updates on it so far, but the novelty has officially ended. Guess compared to blogging, twittering doesn't quite give me as much satisfaction, especially since I love expressing myself in words. Plus, I really don't wanna have my every move recorded in 'black and white', albeit by myself. Just feels weird that I'm updating my movements or thoughts as if there are people out there who really care about what I'm doing so often.

No offence to any Twitter fans who probably have lots of followers or a wide social circle in which everyone is a Twitter user and tweets everyone else in the group. M
e? I'm just a simple girl leading a simple life who shuttles between work and home most of the time, and who hangs out with mostly family and people whom I like enough and who like me back enough. :p I just wanna preserve some memories of what I go through every now and then in life...with words, pictures or sometimes videos.

Blogging it is for me. Bye, Twitter. *Tweet*----.

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