Monday, September 7, 2009

Pasta Delight

Our dinner last evening...

I've made pasta before, but this one's really one of my own favourites. Was just thinking of what to prepare for dinner last evening and ransacking the fridge for ingredients. Decided to put together penne pasta, 2 types of sausages (one normal chicken sausage and the other chicken cheese sausage), broccoli, carrots and lettuce for this really easy-to-cook dish. I just boiled everything together except the lettuce, then drained everything, dumped the lettuce in and tossed together, with a small ramekin of mayonnaise mixed with hot water, over a small fire. This prevents the pasta from being too rich and hence way too sinful for me too. :p By mixing the mayonnaise with hot water, the entire dish becomes lighter in taste.

While tossing everything over the fire, I also added some Japanese seaweed and roasted sesame, which comes lightly salted so there's a tinge of added flavour in addition to the mayonnaise. Popped a couple of de-cored tomatoes stuffed with strips of cheese and lightly drizzled with olive oil into the microwave oven and cooked them for a short while till the tomatoes softened and the cheese melted. These go well with the pasta, and could make a simple but savoury snack any time too. ;)


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